Anyway, as you can imagine Lux played his favorite 45s which many of them if not all (once again I'm very bored to go to my record collection and check) are included on the fabulous series of "Born Bad"! The sound is from the master board of the station and not from a radio receiver. It's tilted and filthy due to the scratches of the discs or the sound of the artists! Pick what you want! The only truth is that these 24 (go ahead count 'em) blasters are among the dirtiest and sickest rock n roll ever produced!
As you said, many versions, here's one I've found http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2423496 and seems to be Skydog – SK 2005-6 although the tracks are misnamed and disordered (working on that now) but I'd much prefer to see your version if you wouldn't mind to reup.