Swedes always had the talent to speak and sing perfectly in English language. All these kids en-fleshed the power, the snotty attitude and the whole “basement” atmosphere of legendary comps like "Pebbles" or "Transworld Punk", creating CLASSICS that can easily stand proudly next to the works of their 60s forefathers!
The Creeps, The Stomachmouths, The Crimson Shadows, The Highspeed V, The Nomads and in our case The Wylde Mammoths, had the punk savageness of The Sonics plus this unique Rhythm & Blues sound, patented from the Pretty Things and their Dutch aficionados, Q65 and The Outsiders.
In a quick look on the net I noticed some uploads for the two LPs the Mammoths released through Crypt but what about their 7inch EPs?
By the way, the Wylde Mammoths were the first ever “modern” group that signed Crypt! I read many times that (the master!) Tim Warren tried to convince these cavemen for a proper re-release of their albums on CD. The last time that any new info came to my attention; it supposed to be out with bonus great, live n’ savage material but… You never know with these Cavemen!
Anyway, I totally ADORE and RESPECT Mammoths’ leader, Peter Maniette whatever has in his mind!
So, these are all their (super rare!) three 7inch EPs, ripped from my vinyl collection and gathered together with their covers. I must give a credit to this dude on the Savage Sounds (http://savagesounds.wordpress.com) for the scans since mine died long ago and I’ll have to replace it when I found some spare time! Anyway, thanks bro whoever you are!
Let’s hope sooner or later to have in our hands at least their two LPs "Go Baby Go!" and "Things That Matter" re-released and gathered with bonus WYLDE material!
‘Till then, enjoy what this blog offers!
320 Kbps

All The Birds Are Gone
I’ve Been Hurt (And She Don’t Care)
I Got You
You Gonna Need Me When I’m Gone
Peter Maniette: vocals/guitar/harp
Per Wannerberg: guitar
Patrick Emt: bass
Johan Maniette: drums
Help That Girl 7" EP
Help That Girl
Help That Girl
Nothing I Can Do
In My Lonely Room
Peter Maniette: vocals/guitar/harp
Per Wannerberg: guitar
Patrick Emt: bass
Stellan Wahlstrom: drums
Peter Maniette: vocals/guitar/harp
Per Wannerberg: guitar
Patrick Emt: bass
Stellan Wahlstrom: drums
Misty Lane 7" EP
I Can’t Change
Personnel (maybe...):
Peter Maniette: vocals/guitar
Thomas Sodergran: guitar
Jens Linberg: bass
Patrik Sjorvist: drums
Peter Maniette: vocals/guitar
Thomas Sodergran: guitar
Jens Linberg: bass
Patrik Sjorvist: drums
uh uh uh uhuhuh
completes me
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