A leg-shaker among few!
The first (and best LP in my opinion) by these Italians named the Sick Rose, remains to this day, 24 years later a sure choice in every mop top's Top 10 for the best Garage Revival albums!
I'm not sure how many times i give this milestone a spin but I'm sure it's upwards of 1.000! True! It's also a record that has psych elements and although i can't stand the psych sounds i must admit here are perfectly assimilated and performed. Not so punk like the Crimson Shadows or the Stomachmouths, but surely melodic in the great tradition of Italy's and Greece's 60s forefathers of the genre.
You must catch the CD reissue by Misty Lane that has as bonus their debut EP 'Get Along Girl' cause if you ever find this original by Electric Eye, you must be prepared to empty your wallet and that's not a smart decision, huh? Vox guitars, dark sunglasses, sharp dressed and ready to shake your thing on the next party!
Download Link Removed due to complaints, sorry.

I'm not sure how many times i give this milestone a spin but I'm sure it's upwards of 1.000! True! It's also a record that has psych elements and although i can't stand the psych sounds i must admit here are perfectly assimilated and performed. Not so punk like the Crimson Shadows or the Stomachmouths, but surely melodic in the great tradition of Italy's and Greece's 60s forefathers of the genre.
You must catch the CD reissue by Misty Lane that has as bonus their debut EP 'Get Along Girl' cause if you ever find this original by Electric Eye, you must be prepared to empty your wallet and that's not a smart decision, huh? Vox guitars, dark sunglasses, sharp dressed and ready to shake your thing on the next party!
my feet are orgasming.
ReplyDeleteTHE SICK ROSE "Faces" has been reissued on CD (Teen Sound Recordss) and it's currently available for mere 10 Eur so it'd be very much appreciated if you could cancel the download link. Independent labels like Misty Lane/Teen Sound need people to support them to keep releasing records. Downloading for free is killing music. We're not talking about letting people hear the music for free,but give for free a product of love made by people with their own time and money.Free download means also: No ads in the magazine, less and less magazines as a matter of fact, less money for bands, less gigs, less interest in releasing records by both bands and labels and I could bore you to death for hours so I'll stop. All Teen Sound Records are for sale in eBay/Gemm at only Eur 10,00. Support the last record labels around. www.mistylane.it www.myspace.com/teensound
ReplyDeleteHi Massimo.
ReplyDeleteI guess you didn't notice the thoughts of this blog on the right pane about downloads neither my exhortation that this great record is outhere from Misty Lane - i made a copy here "You must catch the CD reissue by Misty Lane that has as bonus their debut EP 'Get Along Girl' cause if you ever find this original by Electric Eye, you must be prepared to empty your wallet and that's not a smart decision, huh? Vox guitars, dark sunglasses, sharp dressed and ready to shake your thing on the next party! ".
If the above part it's not an invitation to this blog's readers to support your release, well what is it?
Anyway, i 'll remove the link as i promise to do on such occasions even though this is a vinyl rip and not from the Misty Lane CD...
I'm sure you did the same old conversation about downloads many times, but i attend you to ask the fans (the real ones) or the bands (check on this blog also what the Cynics themselves told me about my "Rock N Roll" post even though their Get Hip have just re-released "Rock N Roll" on CD...) on what blogs like this one add up to our favorite music.
Be sure that White Trash Soul is one of the last supporters of this music called rock & roll.
All the best.