Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nikki Sudden - "Reflections On Johnny Thunders" (Excerpt from Sonic Iguana Issue #1, 1997)

Probably the best piece on Johnny Thunders. The Jewel Thief in a six and a half page tribute/memoir/praise for the Heartbreaker on the Jeff Dahl's old fanzine.
"One reason I think Johnny took to me was due to the strange fact that I told him that I preferred the original mix of L.A.M.F.  to the re-mix that he and Tony James had cobbled together. The subject was never raised again but I can remember the look in Johnny's eyes when I mentioned it first. The fact that I wasn't prepared to suck up to him. Beacuse really no one respects flatterers. Johnny invited me down to some of the rehearsals he was doing for the upcoming show. He was playing about the best guitar I've ever heard anyone play..."

The way rock & roll journalism was meant to be and sadly only a few times was such vibrant. I wish Nikki Sudden was still with us (of course the same for Johnny!). He had so much to offer and the author side of him only a bit developed... You can't put your arms around a memory! 



-Click Images to Enlarge-


  1. Thanks! Something to read for the weekend. I have the deepest respect for these 2 guys and I miss them. Take care.

  2. Best post EVER! Thank you very much!!

  3. nice post

    nazz nomad

  4. Thanks so much for this one...excellent.
    R.I.P J.T & Nikki.
    Two greats that are shurley missed but not forgotten.
    Cheers Orvar66.
    Chatterbox Forum.
