Monday, January 31, 2011

LaVern Baker - "Let Me Belong To You" (Brunswick, LP - 1970)

I think i lost my Mojo! Seriously guys now, i have no inspiration at all! OK, I'm no Charles Dickens but I'm sure i can handle it a little and put down on paper (OK the digitalized version of it) some words that makes sense. I bought some really good stuff a few days ago, and all I'm doing is hearing LPs after LPs and CDs after CDs. For a break I'm reading a chapter or two of  Nick Hornby's "Fever Pitch", but still no inspiration at all for what i must offer to you people...
I was diggin' on my records but i wasn't sure. I mean, there are plenty of great platters there but if you haven't something good to say... Just don't do it. Anyway, the one minute i was hot on one thing and the other i was thinkin' "naaaahhh", not this one. Finally i came through this. I love LaVern. I mean I LUV LaVern Baker! She was the sexiest, toughest, bustiest diva of the 50s! A real force of nature! Everyone should have Lavern's records on Atlantic. What she cut there it's easily the best example of how rock & roll or rhythm & blues should come out of a woman's mouth. "Voodoo Voodoo" for example is Little Richard in full feminine hormones battle! But i guess most of you already know these. I'm sure though that not many had the chance to hear Baker as a mellow and more polished Soul queen. And i really don't know why the sides she recorded for Brunswick in the 60s remain unavailable. I never crashed on a new package of these recordings. The good folks at Ace headquarters must do something and certainly, immediately.  Not only on this LP. LaVern on Brunswick had diamonds and pearls, and comparing to these whatever Aretha recorded it's just mediocre crap. Like both version's of "Think Twice" with Jackie Wilson (you can hear the "dirty" one on the White Trash Soul Sampler No. 1 in here), or the floorburner "Batman to the Rescue" or the never released before til 1998, "I'm Gonna Get You". This record came out in 1970 and it's actually a "highlights" compilation of the seven Brunswick singles. Exchange hands on eBay for about 50 $ and since i never saw it anywhere else, i decided to post it here. Only Etta James can match Lavern Baker and here's the more melancholy side of her majesty.
320 Kbps

Let Me Belong To You 


  1. Thanks, I don't have this one. Hopefully Ace will reissue this stuff, just as you said - still hard to believe there are so many great records that are now unavailable.

  2. Lavern Baker? You are awesome!

    Kenny (I'm the guy who sold shoes to Wilson Pickett!)

  3. Not a bad selection for an "off" day. Thank you.

  4. Gyro! Yeia sou file! Hope you’re OK. You’re totally right. There are way too MANY great records waiting its turn for a proper reissue. At least in this case here, we have reasonable hopes. The rights are out there for anyone to negotiate. My only fear remains Mrs. Brown of the Fortune Records fame… So many labels approached her and still none succeed to get the masters… I really wonder if in this life I’ll get finally to hear the Fortune stuff the way it should be…?
    BTW When are you planning to visit mother land?
    All the best!

  5. just stunning album! such a good share , thank you mihaleez..

  6. Yeia sou file Mihaleez. I may visit Greece this summer, I am getting pressure from my girlfriend and family in Greece to make the trip. I am always impressed by your excellent taste, and by your passion for great music. We may be related!

  7. This is such a great share, thank you very much!

  8. @Gyro1966: Summer's the best season to visit Greece. So what you are waiting for? I'm waiting in a few months for my second son's birth. It will be difficult to round you and your gal along with my wife on the islands. Maybe next year when they'll be a little bigger. But i do promise ice coffee (frapedaki!) by the sea and conversations 'bout rock & roll. Once again many thanks for the kind words. But judging from our posts, you're the one that has in his possession the gems!
    Cheers buddy!

    @Kenny, lugworm, mister mark and Holly: Thanks a lot guys for stopping by here, saying hello. Cheers!

    1. Hi, Mihaleez, where should I press to down..... this album please?. I can't find. thank you.

    2. Unfortunately link deleted some time ago... I'll make a re-up sometime soon, keep checkin'.

  9. Any chance you could re-up this one? Thanks for the great music
