Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Sinatra 100 and the revenge of Rock & Roll!!!
Sinatra hated rock 'n' roll so naturally I should have hated him back, right?! I won't! He was Dino's best pal, and you know what, I LOVE DINO!! He was also a very sharp male and I dig sharp males very much man, especially now in a world full of metro-sexual creatures!!! Rock and roll revenged him anyhow with this little song, he-he... Listen to it and hear the the man struggle with all these flim-flams and bim-bams!!! Great fun and groovy toon!!! 100 years from the birth of legend? Yes!
PS: Special thanks to The Hound for learning me so many things, this song included! I wish this blog was still around...
PS: Special thanks to The Hound for learning me so many things, this song included! I wish this blog was still around...
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
"Cheers!" Pure Genius: 20 page Pub Rock spectacular! (Mojo Magazine, Issue 30 - May 1996)
That's a hugely influential 20 page piece (at least for me) on MOJO Magazine dated back in May 1996 (just a month before my school graduate...wow) and it's written by the
exceptional drummer of The Kursaal Flyers and The Records and now an even
cooler music author (among them of course the No Sleep Till Canvey Island book), Will Birch. Back then of course (again!), no internet blah-blah-blah, so this more or less (more!) became my guide and source for quite many beloved (till now and ever) bands and gangs. From Dr. Feelgood, Nick Lowe and Eddie & the Hot Rods, to the Count Bishops, Graham Parker and Ducks Deluxe, this is probably the best effort ever committed on paper about punk rock's true and unsung forefather and gatecrasher. It's the story of Pub Rock served up just in time (Saturday night)... Raise a glass to the regulars!
Magazines - Fanzines,
Pub Rock,
Rhythm n' Blues,
Rock N Roll,
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Various Artists - "Savage Evangelists, The GaragePunk Gospel According to..." (WAILCD 02)
Heeeeeyyyyy, everything's OK? Hope so! Quickly: as you can easily guess, that's another shitty WTS compilation for your listening pleasure! Don't know about your neighbors' though, he-he... Anyway, the process remains the s(h)ame. Your host here in a dervish kinda mode, opens the vaults and rips the stuff the way exactly he listens to them! Ooops, I've gone too far this time, right? I'm so way out of ma head that I speak for myself in third person, not a good thing... So, I tried to keep a balance and not to include "mainstream hits" like Psychotic Reaction or Pushin' Too Hard but not go the other way too with stuff way to geeky. Fuck man, we're talking 'bout garagepunk here, rock and roll's ultra crude, primitive and mindless prick so no fuckin' geeks allowed!!! Hope you enjoy yourself with this as much I did when I was creating this obviously Tim Warren influenced little monster!!! 100% Teen Unpsychedelic 60s Teen Punk!!! Cheers!!!
Friday, October 16, 2015
I said it's like thunder... It's like lightning... A summarize of an already good year for all Johnny Thunders fans!!!
Easy Action Records put out some shit, with some more in the pipeline!
- A Comprehensive and remastered In Cold Blood, with all of Johnny's studio recordings from 1982 (on Double-CD and vinyl)
- A remastered version of some old Dolls' gigs under the Butterflyin' name (waiting from day to day for this to come in my mailbox).
- A 10" vinyl Critic's Choice/So Alone single (I suppose the Chesterfield Kings backed recordings)
- A 7" vinyl In Cold Blood single
Remarquable Records is going berserk on The Heartbreakers/Johnny front:
- 10" vinyl Daddy Rollin' Stone EP (27 Nov 2015)
- So Alone Double-LP (remastered from the original tapes) with the LP + non-album tracks (29 Jan 2016)
- JOHNNY THUNDERS:1978 - 2CD + Book (still in pre-production, but rumors say it will include all of the tracks from RBL1 + RBL2 10" EPs + even more previously unreleased tracks)
Last but not least, a reminder on the special RECORD STORE DAY Jungle Records double vinyl release of the now legendary, Live At Max's Kansas City Volumes 1 & 2.
Keep 'em coming!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
The Cobras [Memphis] - "Restless" b/w "Shake Up" (Stax, 7" - 1964)

Saturday, October 3, 2015
Goosebumps... The 1st Elvis Presley acetate recording, transferred to digital. (Video)

In January 2015, it was announced that the first ever Elvis Presley recordings (I'm pretty sure, any visitor of this space knows perfectly well the legendary story for the supposed Gladys' birthday present, am I right..?) had been sold for the amount of $300,000! The buyer as it turned out was the once upon a time White Stripes main man, Jack White. So, Jack met with legendary music archivist Alan Stoker (son of the original Jordanaires member Gordon Stoker BTW, a cool coincidence at least...) at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, TN to have this rock n roll top notch rarity, digitally transferred for a Third Man repress for the masses, trying at the same time not to lose the feeling and the soul that makes these two songs both haunting and breathtaking! Check out the following footage of Alan Stoker and Jack White as they make the
transfer and peel back the label to discover a very special surprise (at least for me)!!! Rock and Roll goosebumps...
Elvis Presley,
Jack White,
Rock N Roll,
Sun Records,
Third Man Records
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Various Artists - "Teenage Shutdown: Jump, Jive and Harmonize" (CD, Teenage Shutdown / Crypt in reality - 1995)

Anyway as most (if not all of them) posts here are the results of things I'm crashing in daily and kick me to write and present to you stuff I had previously led my hands on and wasted my ears to and so is this one. My good friend JP once introduced me to the Steve Hoffman forum and even though I hate purists, it has many interesting moments if not educational or funny!
I came yesterday across a TEENAGE SHUTDOWN discussion that if these semi-boot Crypt series are any good and as most conversations ends up, it got bigger and wider on garage/60s punk comps mixing along (what else?) the sound qualities matter... Don't know if any of these guys there are following this jerk behind this blog, but if they do please do yourself a favor and go somewhere else guys for sounding matters. I mean, rock and roll is everything else but fidelity! And even if these next words sound/look/are a cliché, are 100% true as well. Rock and roll is sweat, sex, rawness and sloppiness. It's moving and grooving and having a good time. How this old mod punk song goes? Ah yeh: FUCK ART, LET'S DANCE!
For me the Shutdowns, are even better than BACK FROM THE GRAVE volumes! Actually Shutdowns are better from anything else except for the iconic NUGGETS (yep, PEBBLES included). I'm not going to enter into the 'legit' discussion. Of course there lying many well pointed opinions, but firstly I don't know actually what's what and secondly, I don't care as long as these are so well packaged and mastered (yes, even if it's from the bands 45s directly and not from the master tapes).
Don't know if they're still around but if they are, grab 'em with no second thoughts. Trust me, I know my rock and roll...
Garage-Rock N Roll,
Protopunk - Garage
Friday, July 17, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Bobbyteens - "Fast Livin' & Rock N Roll" (CD, Estrus - 1999)

Anyway,Tina Lucchesi was and still is the coolest/greatest rockarollah of my generation! She drummed, sang and wrote some seriously catchy songs and oh, she supervised a way cool label for more than fuckin' two decades man! Don't wait up from me to tell you the tale, I'm here to provide just a piece from the brilliant route of she and her many outfits.
And so that is The Bobbyteens! An hormone driven underground "supergroup" with all eyes on boys and bubbleglam pop with demented Chuckster licks, sweet and wet 60s girl group vocals ala Shirelles and an full on attractive amateurish delivery. Imagine an updated Nikki and the Corvettes version with a lot of The Dictators early spirit!! If you still trust my taste (and you should, I've never let you down) believe me this is better than Joan Jett and you know what, I LUV Joanie... Ultra classic 90s debut with Joey Ramone / Greg Shaw 100% approved teen rock & roll!
Power Pop,
Punk Rock N Roll,
The Bobbyteens,
Tina Lucchesi
Friday, July 10, 2015
Saturday, June 6, 2015
The Jim Jones Revue - "The Savage Heart" (CD, Play It Again Sam/Punk Rock Blues - 2012)

OK, that was a hard choice. Jim Jones Revue were an outfit which never (and I mean, NEVER!) cut a weak or a mediocre song and had as well the ability to change things in every step they walked their boots, without losing their primal rock and roll and manic energy. Really now, how many years England has to put out such a good and true rock and roll force!?
Revue were no wheel inverters of course. They just had the right taste (Little Richard, Jerry Lee, The Stooges and the 5) and a good eye to see the absence of a real rock and roll gang in this shitty world. Were 100% analogue in a 100% digital reality. I mean, The Ramones are sadly all gone and Lemmy's like to spend its days playing the slot machine down the road at Rainbow... This last album was no less, their best! Dark and otherworldly doo-wop, punky R&B, glam stomps and blues yelps, they're all here man. And this closing track, this utterly haunting serenade of "Midnight Oceans and The Savage Heart" grabbed me by the neck and never left me since the first time... Epic.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Mother's Children - "Dance To The Rock'n'Roll Band" (7" Pink marbled, Going Gaga Records/ Shang-A-Lang Records - 2009)
I never really liked bands like Jellyfish or Weezer or Teenage Fanclub... OK, I'm lying here a bit. Teenage Fanclub were great actually and Weezer had their good moments sometimes (Jellyfish are still shite though) but these bands are definitely not what I have in my mind as "powerpop". As far as I know, the term belongs to the great Greg Shaw and even though he liked stupid things like ABBA thankfully never released something like it... So things like the Romantics, The Rubinoos, The Shoes and The Nerves are what from day one I too tag as "powerpop" in my vocabulary. Pop bands with a well hidden (sometimes) smell of raw rock and roll!
Among the very best the last few years are Mother's Children from Ottawa Canada. In fact Canada rules the powerpop game nowadays and has quite many and quite excellent gangs around (The Mandates, Fashionism, First Base and Nervous Talk are the first my mind brings swiftly - try them, without question WTS approved outfits) but Mother's Children topped them all with their glamified powerpop n' roll! What really makes these guys special (except for their amazing hooks, harmonies and riffs) are the drumbeats. Seriously now, this guy here's the best thing I've heard behind the kickdrum since the early days of the Hellacopters (respect to Robban, Keith Moon's Swedish lovechild).
That's their first and it's probably long ago out of print and I'm still not having it psychically. This rip belongs to the departed friend of mine Patrick, of the SOTD fame. Shit man, almost everyday I think of him and the legacy he left behind. There are bands recently discovered by me and it turns out that Pat had them way before me on his site... Anyway, these guys, Kurt Baker's projects, The Cry! and The Connection are combos Joey Ramone would be proud of, trust me! Support them fanatically.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Skrewdriver - "All Skrewed Up" (CD, Not on Label - 2014, original LP release by Chiswick - 1977)

It's been a while (again), right? Hope all you guys and gals out there to be cool as always! I have to
apologize once more for the lack of audio-related posts but keeping two blogs alive, having a 9 to 5 (on the good days...) "normal" job and a family makes it quite difficult sometimes. To make things worse (better actually), I'm trying to re-build an old fashioned (to many people) printed zine, he-he... So I guess here's the point that I have to ask for more patience from all the bands and labels side cause guys, I'm really strugglin' to make it sometimes...
Anyway, enough with the sorry ass shit! It's time to reassign your trust on WTS for your rock & roll pleasure and (maybe) education. I know many of you people are goggling your eyes now to the view of a Skrewdriver post here but believe me, I've changed none of my political thoughts and of course I still HATE racist/fascist scumbags (I'm writing these lines while I'm listening to the Charles Packy Axton full-on black grooves, yes I can be as diverse as that)! This original and early version of the band had nothing to do with the later Stuart's "white power" shit. I mean, this fucking hostile masterpiece was produced and released back in 1977 by none else than Roger Armstrong... You know, the brilliant guy behind Ace Records... As you can easily understand was a zero chance for such a dude to had friendly relations with neo-nazi lowlifes, right?
So the early Skrewdriver lineup was/is the quintessential boot-boy street punk gang (along with the Cockney Rejects and Cock Sparrer) and had their roots deeply planted on The Rolling Stones, The Who and AC/DC (and here's another evidence of their prime dissimilarity). They were the hools that used terraces for their "Us against the World" attitude and not for their favorite club's achievements. Unfortunately they lasted for almost three years and left as consignment a number of singles and this utterly classic album, first on the legendary Chiswick label. Don't know if this CD release is actually a bootleg. I ventured a Google-search but found no official release to exist (if you're aware of such a thing, please advice). I tell you though, boot or not this one includes all the powers of the original Chiswick release. I read also that initially manufactured with four different colorings but I witnessed only this one and the yellow.
To cut a long story short, don't be afraid to blast this thing at a maximum volume. Ian Stuart Donaldson's hate/fascist vehicle has only one but sad blood relation with this punk rock road roller: The Name.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Victims (NYC) - Excerpt from Ugly Things Magazine, Issue No 27 by Laurent Bigot (2008)
![]() |
Many Thanx to JohnnyQ for sending me this piece some moons back!!! |
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
The Heartbreakers - "L.A.M.F. - Original U.K. Cassette Mix" (Cassette/Tape, Track - 1977) RESTORED & REVISITED!!!
Hey there! I know that I promised this re-up quite long ago, but better late than never right?!
Well if I got it straight, it was this fuckin' place that made this tape again available to the public but we've seen it been uploaded on YouTube without having the credit we thought at least we deserved (for better) or (for worse) founding out that some stupid fucks ca$hed on it and on fans thirst to hear the legendary LAMF cassette sound... So here's another chance to grab it, dance to it and send these jerks to hell!!! If you came here for the first time and you want to know the whole story, go to our first post, dated back in 2012. Feel free to share it with your friends and having some drinks on us! Once more, many thanks to Brian Young and his generosity for sharing such a piece of history.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Various Artists - "Mihaleez's Rockin' Blues" (WAILCD 01)
And I guess as well that there's no better way for a first post than a handmade White Trash Soul party CD, right? I know it's been a while since the last WAX thing and it's been a little longer since a Greasy Soul and a Dirty R&B comp courtesy of yours truly have landed to your hard disks but you know, the lack of personal time, the work, blah-blah-blah...
I'm sure some of you notice that I didn't used the "we" pronoun, right? That's because JP wants to make a pause for a little and I didn't blamed him to tell you the truth. There's a time when you want to do other things but I have to testify also his bitterness for the lack of comments on our posts. I mean for me it's OK, I don't care if someone wants to tell thanks or something else cause I'm doing it for my soul self satisfaction first, even if this sounds a little egotistical but I do understand JP's side cause it's always great to see how people reacts on your thoughts and posts...
Anyway, I want to thank him one more time for everything he did for WTS all these years and they were A LOT as you know. Keep the rocks rollin' buddy!
On our subject, WAIL it's the new WTS subsidiary. And since WAX was a baby that belongs to both of us I thought it was proper to use another trademark and logo. For the R&B/Soul sect of our tribe, I'm dead sure, everyone understands that I drew inspiration (aka ripped) Ace Record's idea from "Gaz's Rockin' Blues" well known compilation!!! I'm not cocky enough to put myself on the cover so my beloved Young Jessie took proudly place in it!
The procedure was the well known. No second thoughts or deep diggin' for THE obscure track even though I'm sure for some of you some toons may be 'obscure'. I was having a ball myself and what I wanted to listen that very moment, was being ripped too for your listening pleasure. Don't know if it's gonna work for you, but for me it was a blast!
You can have a preview in case you wanna know what's what by clicking the back-sleeve up there (I made it look like a long play - don't know if I succeed it was the first time without JP's magic hands). As usual share and dance freely! No fuckin' bootlegging's allowed!! This is strictly made by fan for fans shit!!!
Monday, January 5, 2015
Let that boy rock and roll...
Ex- Jim Jones Revue Henri John Pierre Herbert dazzles the crowd at London St. Pancras with an impromptu performance on the public piano. A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2015
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About me
Garage Punk Pounders, Soul Stompers, Greasy R&B, Funky Sizzlers and Mod Freakbeat fuzzters (mostly)! Grown Up Wrong in the 90s, hooked with the grooves of Acid Jazz and Madchester's Rave scene. A lot of Indie Pop jangles too. Reverend in the Church of Venerated Saint Johnny Thunders. In love with shakin' maracas, tambourines and wailin' farfizas. Little Richard was the King & Queen of Rock'n'Roll. The first Punk Rocker was a gay blackman from Macon, GA. FUCK YOU! Subvert normality, Kill All Hippies. Antifascist/antiracist/antisocial/anti-stupid.
The Hollywood Refugees - Live At Flick, 24th April 1985

Anyone's sitting on the legendary Birmingham’s glam punk outfit tape and wanna share it? Interested in any Hollywood Refugees material, actually... Thanks in advance!
Save Rock & Roll!!!

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Jazz-Soul Groove Part Four9 years ago