Saturday, November 14, 2015

...Stop Killing People You Fuckin' Twats...


  1. Twats have to change their mentality and we have to stop to do war... Anyway thanks for your support. Merci on dit en Français. Fred

    1. I totally agree with you my friend. West world armed those ISIS lunatics, it's clearly a boomerang situation, at least to me. Hope only French people not to turn their heads on Marine Le Pen with all this shit... We faced a similar situation here in Greece with the far Right... Take care.

  2. ISIS makes the Far Right look like pussycats. Slaughter is like a breakfast cinnamon roll to them. They aren't going to just go away. Chain them to the wall, Van Gogh their ears, and blast the Stooges directly into their ears at 10,000,000 decibels.
