Friday, January 22, 2010

Bo Knows Instro! You betcha!

Along with Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Link Wray to this blogger, Bo Diddley was one of THEE pioneers of Rock N Roll! Quite simply without these cats....boom bam - NO rock n roll at all!
I don't know who did this compilation to give him the credit (boy, he deserves it!), but it's amazin' cause it has the majority of the best instrumentals Bo wrote and recorded during his long time presence in this full of squares world! The jungle groove and the "cut n' shave" is here at his all GLORY even in this low bit rate (128 Kbps). The only thing i did - is a new cover for your i-pods and an upload for your download pleasure! Ladies and Gentlemen Big Bad Bo via a Link Wray pathway!



  1. No one could remotely create the sound Bo Diddley had ... He will always be one and only !
    Thanx for sharing this rare gem

  2. Great original way of showcasing Bo and his group. Thanks for taking time and effort to do this.

  3. Wonderful post Mihaleez. Can't get too much of Bo in any format. Thanks for your kindness. All the best,


  4. hey man, any chance you know of an active link for this compilation? A person I know recently spoke about it and missed the version they found online, I was hoping to get it for them.
